Nomenclature and Conventions
How to know what a Chroma filter name means.
Excitation filter (e.g. ET480/40x) - For this example, the center wavelength is at 480nm; full bandwidth is 40nm [= +/- 20nm]. In some cases for which the band width is not specified the letter "x" is used to define the filter as an excitation filter. This is generally used for narrow band UV excitation filters, i.e. et340x.
Dichroic beamsplitter (T495LPXR) - The cut-on wavelength where transmission is approximately 50% is 495nm for this dichroic longpass mirror.
Emission filter (ET535/50m) - The center wavelength here is at 535nm; full bandwidth is 50nm [= +/- 25nm].
T - magnetron sputtered dichroic/polychroic, typically 45 deg AOI
ET - magnetron sputtered exciter or emitter, typically normal incidence (maximum performance)
Z - product specifically designed for laser use
ZT - magnetron sputtered dichroic/polychroic designed for laser use, typically 11 - 45 deg AOI
ZET - magnetron sputtered exciter or emitter specifically designed for laser use
D - non-sputtered exciter or emitter for normal incidence (basic performance)
HQ - non-sputtered exciter or emitter for normal incidence (enhanced performance)
Q - non-sputtered dichroic/polychroic, typically 45 deg AOI
LP - indicates a longpass filter or dichroic mirror which transmits wavelengths longer than the cut-on and blocks or reflects shorter wavelengths respectively
SP - indicates a shortpass filter or dichroic mirror which transmits wavelengths shorter than the cut-on and blocks or reflects longer wavelengths respectively
DC - shorthand for "dichroic", typically 45 deg AOI
XR - extended reflection, typically 45 deg AOI
XRU - extended reflection including the UV, typically 45 deg AOI
PC - polychroic beamsplitter. This is a beamsplitter that reflects and transmits more than two bands of light, typically 45 deg AOI
GG - Green Glass. Longpass absorption glass from Schott Glassworks with cut-on wavelengths in the violet and blue-green regions
OG - Orange Glass. Longpass absorption glass from Schott Glassworks with cut-on wavelengths in the green, yellow and orange regions
RG - Red Glass. Longpass absorption glass from Schott Glassworks with cut-on wavelengths in the red and far red regions
x - excitation filter
bs - beamsplitter
m - emission filter